2018!…..Should you be setting yourself New Year’s resolutions or should they be lifestyle habits???

Dec 31, 2017


It’s the last day of 2017 and I know a lot of you will be thinking right scratch 2017 it’s gone and roll on 2018, where I promise to myself that any resolutions I set myself I will absolutely stick to this year.


Hmmm…. Do you think you really will get past the month of January and still be hitting the gym or cutting the fats and sugar out of your diet to achieve a fitter and slimmer you?


For most of us we have great intentions to make positive changes to our lives but life soon gets in the way. Work becomes a priority, the kids or grandkids need taking to various clubs or classes and then you find you have little energy or time left for you!


I am an offender of this exact situation. I set myself goals and then my workaholic brain kicks in and any spare time I have is spent working on improving my business and not spent on me as a person. This is great in one way as I achieve my business goals but in fact I am being less effective as work, work, work just means I have a static body that gets very achy and stiff and I sometimes get so overwhelmed with all the ideas in my head I end up stressing myself out, meaning I get tired and run down and become less productive and this annoys me. And so the vicious cycle continues.


So how am I going to approach 2018? Well I’ve decided not to set resolutions but make changes to my daily routine. I’ve already introduced a few of these daily changes to my life in 2017 but now it’s time to expand these.


You are sitting there now saying to yourself….”I, like Wendy really do want to be a healthy and happier version of me but how do I achieve this with my current lifestyle?”


This is great question to ask yourself and here are a few ideas to help you get kick started.


THE 2018 PLAN!


Don’t set goals or New Years Resolutions as they will be too big to achieve. Try making small changes to your daily routine so they become daily habits.


Below are a few ideas that I’ve introduced in 2017 to help you see I mean by daily habits….


Try to do some exercise every day


If you are too tired and lack motivation by the time evening comes then go to bed earlier and get up earlier and exercise in the morning. I now do a 20 minute stretch and muscle activation routine every morning and wow it really helps get my stiff achy body moving and ready for the day and I feel loads better for it.


Try turning off that mobile phone


I’ve found there is nothing better than turning my mobile phone off on a Sunday to get me ready and refreshed for the week of work ahead. Make time for your family and friends on a weekend and make sure it’s quality time. I now turn my mobile phone off on a Sunday and leave it upstairs in my bedroom so I don’t get tempted to check work emails or facebook. I can only say how refreshing it is for the mind to not be hooked in to a head down position on my phone. It really sets me up for Monday morning and the working week ahead.


Take a look at your Breakfast routine


I’ve now changed my breakfast routine to a smoothie instead of the same old boring and non-filling cereal. A smoothie takes me literally a couple of minutes to prepare, it’s full of healthy nutrients and it tastes amazing! The extra bonus is it fills me up so much more than a bowl of cereal and that’s great for me as everyone says I must have hollow legs due to the amount they see me eat.


Small changes not big goals are the Key to success!


Just these small changes are now part of my daily routine and now they are I feel I can add more. So for 2018 I’m going to get myself out in the fresh air and go for a power walk or may even try and run again now my back pain is under control thanks to my stretch and muscle activation daily habits.


I’m aiming for half an hour three times a week once my daughter is at nursery and this added to my current daily habits should really help not only my physical health but my mind health too.


And this is my advice to you. Just like I’ve added a few new habits in to my daily routine for 2017 you can do this for 2018. If you make the goal too big like “I’m going to go to the gym 5 days a week” especially if you currently do no exercise, you won’t stick to it. Trust me I’ve been there, done it, got the t-shirt!


You may stick to it through January and even February but I bet by March five times a week at the gym has dwindled to one or two or even none. The reason this happens is the change is too extreme and too quick. To be successful in making forever changes my advice to you is to start small and then watch the habits grow! 🙂


You will soon be a healthier and happier version of your current self as you will be pleased you have achieved and stuck to your new habits and from this it will give you the incentive to aim for bigger things.

So my question to you now is what daily habits are you going to introduce to your life in 2018?


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