Ouch, What’s Wrong With My Shoulder?

Ouch, What’s Wrong With My Shoulder?

  Ouch, what’s wrong with my shoulder?   Shoulder pain has always been something that brings a lot of people into a Physiotherapy clinic.  As Physiotherapist that has worked in both the NHS and Private sector, I can confirm it is a very common problem. But more...
Gotta’ keep moving!

Gotta’ keep moving!

    Everywhere we turn at the minute it’s Coronavirus this, Coronavirus that; which can be quite overwhelming as no-one seems to know what’s best. Here at WDC Physiotherapy we are keen to help you fight against it and advise people to control the...
Why Should I Pay For An Online Pilates Class?

Why Should I Pay For An Online Pilates Class?

  This is a good question, and in fact one of the most common questions we have been asked since the country went into Lockdown, and in person exercise classes ceased to run.  There are a lot of ‘free’ options out there, for all ages and abilities so why pay for...
Avoiding trips, slips and broken hips…the hazards at home!!!

Avoiding trips, slips and broken hips…the hazards at home!!!

If anyone tells you they have never fallen over, that is a lie!!! We all fall over.  Children, adults and older adults will all fall over from time to time.  In fact, at least one third of adults 65 and older fall each year in the United Kingdom and of these at least...
The Truth About Growing Pains In Kids

The Truth About Growing Pains In Kids

  Kids hurt themselves…its how they learn. Climbing, running, jumping, skipping, hopping and scooting their way around the world!! And sometimes they fall, or crash into things and the inevitable tears, bruises and scrapes occur – and then swiftly heal and are...